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Fullstack conference 2018 summary

Full stack conference 2018 This is my first time at Fullstack conference in London, full of talks and demos this post will run through some of the talks I attended. All talks and videos of the talks can be found  here . Day 1 Brendan Eich - JS the next Generation Brendan Eich is the creator of JS and I take my hat off to him because I use JS every day as many developers do, he talked about the history of JS and what is to come in future years. Dynamic import() (spec) Array.prototype.flat/ let (x, y ...z) = {x:1, y:2, a:3, b:4} (spec) Private methods  Asynchronous iteration for await of (spec) RegExp look behind assertions  RegExp Unicode properly escapes RegExp named capture groups  /a (dotall) flag for regular expressions  I cannot wait for these new features and for all browsers to catch up (ie) so developers can use ecma script 6 without polly fill, but still remains a dream for a while. Quote from the talk: Don't ...