Full stack conference 2018 This is my first time at Fullstack conference in London, full of talks and demos this post will run through some of the talks I attended. All talks and videos of the talks can be found here . Day 1 Brendan Eich - JS the next Generation Brendan Eich is the creator of JS and I take my hat off to him because I use JS every day as many developers do, he talked about the history of JS and what is to come in future years. Dynamic import() (spec) Array.prototype.flat/flat.map let (x, y ...z) = {x:1, y:2, a:3, b:4} (spec) Private methods Asynchronous iteration for await of (spec) RegExp look behind assertions RegExp Unicode properly escapes RegExp named capture groups /a (dotall) flag for regular expressions I cannot wait for these new features and for all browsers to catch up (ie) so developers can use ecma script 6 without polly fill, but still remains a dream for a while. Quote from the talk: Don't ...
A blog about any trips and tips I experience as a coder.