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log in in animation with css

Percy the penguin - login animation with CSS

See the Pen Percy the penguin by Mel (@Mellydevs) on CodePen.
I was inspired by this article on medium to make a login animation when the user clicks on the password form input. As you can see from this article it can be very cool and unique I aimed to do mine in CSS and SVG.

I plan to make this more complex in the future and will write an update when I do. 

Step 1 Make Percy
Simply I made Percy in sketch using shapes and Vectors (ie pen tool) and made sure I named the arms so they were easy to find in the SVG code. 

Step 2 Animate it
Make a container for all the elements.
Add in the input field above the SVG so that I can use the + in scss to select element when we use :focus on the input.
Animate the arms from the bottom and then fade them in to make it look a wee bit nicer and land over the eyes.
This ends up being a bit more of a 'pika boo' animation rather than covering the eyes but I think it looks cute so I kept it I plan to make more complex ones in the future anyway.

Thats it! Thanks for reading. 
