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Showing posts from October, 2018

8bit Mario with css grids

The point of this task was to get more familiar with css grids. I aimed to use as little divs as possible but I wanted it to be to scale.  You can view it below or on Codepen. See the Pen mario with grids by Mel ( @Mellydevs ) on CodePen . Making Mario As I was making a 8bit character I made a 64 by 64 grid and made each grid size 8px by 8px. This allowed me to make Mario to scale.  NB: I do not own anything to do with Mario I am just a fan :). So after using reference images I managed to make divs turn into Mario by changing their position in the grid and background colour. If you want to learn more about grids I recommend css tricks article on it  or Grid garden which is a game that helps you learn grids. It turned out quite good and I was happy with it. I thought I was done but then.... I thought why not make him do a idle animation, So I looked at some sprite sheets ( whats a sprite sheet? ) Kirby's idle seemed to be the easiest so I chose to t