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Showing posts from 2018

.. things I learnt this year

Random things I learn't this year. 1. Flamingos arn't born pink They are born white and turn pink after eating lots of shrimp. 2. When lightning hits sand it creates glass sculptures. 3. In 1957 the BBC did April fools joke convincing the world that spaghetti trees were real 4. The Sydney opera house opened 10 years later than scheduled. 5. The biggest ferris wheel is 550 feet tall and is in  Las Vegas 6. Dark patterns are a thing and we should know about them. 7. A swede is made from a turnip and a cabbage. 8. Computer mice were first made of wood. 9. There is a bird called elephant bird and it was huge. 10. There are major reasons why humans sleep with some form of a blanket and its because we cannot regulate body temperature well during rem sleep. Article about it.  11. The difference between a mountain and a hill is only how hard it is to climb. No natural difference. 12. Oxford uni has a glass floor sports hall that chang...

Changing chrome title tab when users leave

The other day I was on reading one of their blogs and when I tabbed away I saw the title change and I thought it was cool as I had not seen anyone else use it before even though its pretty simple. So I went about doing it myself. I've done it in pure JS as a lot of the examples are jQuery and for simple things like this you don't need a library. You can see this working on this page just click on another tab then come back. Below is the code I used to achieve this. Simply put I get the html title tag. Add an event for when the user is away or using the page with blur and focus on the window. Then I pick a random string to display when they are away. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Hi this is the original title</title> </head> <body> <p> lorem ipsm </p> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> var title = document.querySelector("title"); wind...

8bit Mario with css grids

The point of this task was to get more familiar with css grids. I aimed to use as little divs as possible but I wanted it to be to scale.  You can view it below or on Codepen. See the Pen mario with grids by Mel ( @Mellydevs ) on CodePen . Making Mario As I was making a 8bit character I made a 64 by 64 grid and made each grid size 8px by 8px. This allowed me to make Mario to scale.  NB: I do not own anything to do with Mario I am just a fan :). So after using reference images I managed to make divs turn into Mario by changing their position in the grid and background colour. If you want to learn more about grids I recommend css tricks article on it  or Grid garden which is a game that helps you learn grids. It turned out quite good and I was happy with it. I thought I was done but then.... I thought why not make him do a idle animation, So I looked at some sprite sheets ( whats a sprite sheet? ) Kirby's idle seemed to be the easiest so I ...

Fullstack conference 2018 summary

Full stack conference 2018 This is my first time at Fullstack conference in London, full of talks and demos this post will run through some of the talks I attended. All talks and videos of the talks can be found  here . Day 1 Brendan Eich - JS the next Generation Brendan Eich is the creator of JS and I take my hat off to him because I use JS every day as many developers do, he talked about the history of JS and what is to come in future years. Dynamic import() (spec) Array.prototype.flat/ let (x, y ...z) = {x:1, y:2, a:3, b:4} (spec) Private methods  Asynchronous iteration for await of (spec) RegExp look behind assertions  RegExp Unicode properly escapes RegExp named capture groups  /a (dotall) flag for regular expressions  I cannot wait for these new features and for all browsers to catch up (ie) so developers can use ecma script 6 without polly fill, but still remains a dream for a while. Quote from the talk: Don't ...

log in in animation with css

Percy the penguin - login animation with CSS See the Pen  Percy the penguin  by Mel ( @Mellydevs ) on  CodePen . I was inspired by this article on medium to make a login animation when the user clicks on the password form input. As you can see from this article it can be very cool and unique I aimed to do mine in CSS and SVG. I plan to make this more complex in the future and will write an update when I do.  Step 1 Make Percy Simply I made Percy in sketch using shapes and Vectors (ie pen tool) and made sure I named the arms so they were easy to find in the SVG code.  Step 2 Animate it Make a container for all the elements. Add in the input field above the SVG so that I can use the + in scss to select element when we use :focus on the input. Animate the arms from the bottom and then fade them in to make it look a wee bit nicer and land over the eyes. This ends up being a bit more of a 'pika boo' animation rather than covering t...

Poker chip CSS only checkbox

For this Sunday Funday project, I decided to make a poker chip checkbox out of pure CSS. DEMO The idea is that it will flip on its right edge like when people flip chips between their fingers. This can be improved by using images to get a correct dashed edge or make it more lifelike but this is CSS only. Tutorial 1. The markup We need a container to set the background and the size and width, we need the label to be clickable anywhere, input for the checkbox, top and bottom of the chip. <div class="container"> <label for="chip-checkbox"></label> <input type="checkbox" name="chip" value="1" id="chip-checkbox"> <div class="bottom-side"></div> <div class="top-side"></div> </div> 2. Hide the input input { visibility: hidden; } 3. Set the width and height of the background/container .container { width: 80px; height: 40px; bord...